of Rights, Where It Matters

Outcomes to Workplace Equality
The Underprivileged Cannot Be Ignored

And We are Working Towards It

- Advisory services on Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana for enhancing effectiveness of cash and in-kind transfers
- Promoting FPRW and core labour standards in Cotton Cultivation in India
- Leveraging social media and technology for promoting decent work
- Making Workers Ready for the New Age Economy
- Trends in new qualifications and competencies in Asia-pacific (Understanding the generic trends in skills reforms in TVET in Asia-Pacific)
- Women for improved local governance for access to rights and entitlements
- Ensuring effective delivery platforms through public-private- civil society participation
- Labour Administration, Labour Codes, Labour Disputes Resolution Systems
- Reducing child vulnerability through capacity building of duty-bearers
- Mapping and identifying opportunities for alliances for eliminating child labour and forced labour
- Leveraging mLearning for improved lifelong learnings among adolescent girls (with focus on STEM)
- Gender Responsive Programming
- Gender Responsive Budgeting & ICT for sectoral budgeting (grassroots voices)
- Prevention of GBV and SH at the workplace
- Capacity building of stakeholders (CSOs and Trade Unions)
- Improving the quality of post-pandemic policy and programmatic support for women’s education, health, safety, employment & livelihoods;
- Women’s participation in digital transformation (technology for scale)
- Women’s entrepreneurship in rural areas: Inducement to Invest (Beyond hyperlocal markets for ag/non-ag items)
- Promoting nutrition-sensitive agriculture
- Food systems approach to improve nutritional outcomes
- Pathways for green , resilient and just recovery in LDCs (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Uganda)
- Climate resilient planning for MGNREGS